Rakitna Rakitna

Verjetnost toče več informacij Hail probability

Kamera VP Rakitna več informacij Weather station camera

Cestna kamera več informacij Road camera

Obiščite še:

Dobrodošli v RakitniRakitna website

Gozdna in arheološka učna potforest learning trail

Jamborna potmast road

Zemljevid globalnih postaj od Affiliated Weather Networks



[Weather, Webcam, Lightning] Weather, Lightning, WebCam, [Weather, Lightning] Weather, Lightning, [Weather, Webcam] Weather, WebCam, [Weather] Weather

About the Global Map

This Google Map shows the locations of current affiliated regional weather network member stations.

cluster marker image Markers with numbers indicate clusters of stations - click to zoom the map to show station markers. If you click on a marker for a station, a descriptive window will open and show the station features, a link to the station's homepage, the regional network affiliations for the station, and current conditions at the station (where available).

Affiliated regionalna vremenska mreža

1089 stations in affiliated networks worldwide as of 2024-10-14 01:06:06 UTC

If you have a personal weather station publishing to a personal weather website, you can submit a request to have your data included in this display by visiting the network for your geography from the list above.

Map data from Affiliated Regional Networks . Original scripts from Saratoga-Weather.org . Adapted for the Leuven-Template.  (version 3.21)

Vremenski podatki so objavljeni na:

Slovenska vremenska mreža




Oprema, ki se uporablja:

Vremenska postaja
Davis VP2+ ventilirana

Vremenski program

Vremenski server
Shuttle DS10U5

Vremensko društvo ZEVS

Davis VP2+ ventilirana


Shuttle DS10U5

Vremensko društvo ZEVS

Meteorološki podatki vremenske postaje Rakitna so neuradni, meteorološka postaja sama pa ni del državne mrež:e Agencije Republike Slovenije za okolje (ARSO),
je pa vključena v Vremensko društvo ZEVS. Prikazani podatki so izmerjeni točno, vendar so zgolj informativni in nimajo značaja uradnega podatka.

Podatke meri vremenska postaja "Davis VP2+ ventilirana" od 05.03.2011 dalje.

Opozarjamo, da ne prevzamemo odgovornosti za morebitno nastalo škodo, ki bi nastala zaradi odločitve, sprejete na osnovi teh podatkov!