Rakitna Rakitna

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Weather history

Current Today Yesterday This Month This year Station Record
 Temperature  -2,9°C
Maximum-2,2°C (01:01)-0,4°C (00:00)8,3°C 32,8°C 34,6°C (08-08-2013)
Minimum-3,0°C (21:19)-2,3°C (23:46)-4,3°C -11,1°C -19,0°C (28-02-2018)
 Windchill  -3,7°C 
Minimum-6,1°C (08:17)-5,0°C (08:47)-6,1°C -12,2°C -20,9°C (06-02-2012)
 Heatindex  -2,9°C  
Maximum-2,2°C (00:00)-0,6°C (00:00)7,8°C 35,0°C 35,6°C (04-08-2017)
 Solar radiation  0 w/m2 
Maximum 60 w/m2  (12:25)176 w/m2 (10:50)408 w/m2 1510 w/m2 1510 w/m2 (03-06-2024)
 UV index  0,0   
Maximum 0,0  (11:28) 0,7  1,1  8,5  9,3  (03-07-2017)
Current Today Yesterday This Month This year Station Record
Rain / Melt 0,0 mm  0,0 mm  11,4 mm  1792,4 mm  
Evapotranspiration0,1 mm  0,2 mm 3,9 mm 773,6 mm  
Max. Rain Rate 0,0 mm/hr  0,0 mm/hr  6,8 mm/hr  274,2 mm/hr 640,0 mm/hr (21-07-2023)
 Humidity  95%  
Maximum95% (00:00)95% (18:23)95% 95% 100% 
Minimum95% (00:00)94% (00:00)43% 22% 10% (24-03-2022)
 Dew Point  -3,6°C  
Maximum-2,8°C (00:00)-1,1°C (00:00)2,8°C 23,3°C 23,3°C (24-08-2023)
Minimum-3,9°C (21:19)-2,8°C (06:22)-5,6°C -12,2°C -21,1°C (06-01-2017)
Current Today Yesterday This Month This year Station Record
 Pressure  1030,9 hPa  Falling Slowly
Maximum1034,6 hPa (10:05)1032,1 hPa (23:42)1034,6 hPa 1039,8 hPa 1047,2 hPa (20-01-2020)
Minimum1030,9 hPa (21:51)1029,1 hPa (01:06)1002,4 hPa 989,2 hPa 973,3 hPa (30-01-2015)
 Wind  4,8 km/h   Wind from SE  Light air
Gust19,3 km/h (08:36)16,1 km/h (08:43)45,1 km/h 59,5 km/h 75,6 km/h (01-12-2023)

You find our weather info also at:

Slovenia Weather Network




Equipment we use:

Davis VP2+ aspirated


Shuttle DS10U5

Vremensko društvo ZEVS

Davis VP2+ aspirated


Shuttle DS10U5

Vremensko društvo ZEVS

Meteorological data of weather stations Rakitna is unofficial, the meteorological station isn’t a part of the National Meteorological Service of Slovenia (ARSO),
but it is included in the Weather organization ZEVS. The data is measured precisely and are exclusively for informative purposes and does not have the character of the official data.

The data is measured by the weather station "Davis VP2+ aspirated" from 05.03.2011.

We are warning, that we don’t take any responsibilities for any possible damage, resulting from the decisions taken on the basis of these data.